вторник, 30 сентября 2008 г.

Welcome to my Blog!

Getting more and more popular, the Internet obtains a great deal of new terms, now it is full of an unprecedented number of acronyms, jargon, and terminology that is generally impenetrable and incomprehensible to uninitiated users. The goal of the blog is to list and to explain the most common and useful terms. If you are interested in it, I invite you to collaborate with me!!!

1 комментарий:

Duane Hettich комментирует...

I'm glad to see you have your blog up and running. Now we'll be checking here to get more info about "Internet Terminology"

Here is a very interesting article that you might enjoy that would help you with this subject. The writer David Pogue of the NY Times is one of my favorite Technology writers.


Duane Hettich